Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Popcorn's Prescription (really God's): Loving Well

This morning I began a new four week Bible study with a group at church. The topic is Loving Well, writting by a popular teacher from Houston. The premise is this: our Christian journeys should progress, not stall out. We should improve, get better, grow toward the goals set for us by Christ. Children grow as they get older, and we should grow the older we get in Christ. We should love well. We should be capable of loving others "better" than we did last year, or the year before. That would be an indication of growth. Many of us feel that we walk around in a Christian fog and never know any real answers, we just have to guess how we are doing. No, we don't. There are growth indicators if we are only willing to look honestly at ourselves. What does loving well mean to you? Do you love others better today than you were able to five years ago? One year ago? How are you acheiving this? Are you able to accept the love offered to you by God? Loving well is God's prescription for a happy existence. Loving others is the font of happiness and satisfaction because it replaces the endless, exhausting quest for self gratification which we think will provide happiness, but alas will not. Thoughts?


valerie said...

I read your comment on the LPM blog. I know I used to hear my sister talk about Beth Moore and one year (2002) she was coming to Sillwater, OK....just about an hour from my town. I was given a ticket and honestly really didn't want to go b/c my weekends were so precious to me (time-wise) but, so glad I went....I've been thrilled by her teaching ever since. I've made an excuse to travel to one of her conferences every year since. I was raised in a Christian home...daughter of a pastor who is a great preacher and knows his Bible....but something about her and her genuine love for the Lord captured my attention and I thought...."I want to know and love God like she does. I want that kind of relationship with my Father." She's awesome. I'm one of those now that people tease because I'm always talking about her or something I've learned. :)
Have a blessed weekend,

Popcorn said...

Valerie thanks for the nice comment. Yes, me too. Every word out of my mouth is Beth Moore said in her study....this week Beth said...I'm more obnoxious about it than else...ever! Thanks for visiting my blog, come again soon.