Saturday, April 5, 2008

Mr. Popcorn Have You Seen My Car?

I have been married to Mr. Popcorn for a long, long, loooooooongggggggg time. Long time. Almost double the years we weren't married. Every thing I own, we own, we have, our kids have, our pets have, (2 dogs, 1 cat) blah blah blah...we bought. We paid for it. We worked hard for every stinkin' item. It's our inventory so to speak. However, I am the inventory control specialist of this outfit apparently. You know I love love love Mr. Popcorn because he's a great, sweet, precious, Godly, blue-eyed guy. Key word here is GUY. MAN. MALE. And in 27 years of bliss, I can only recall one or two times when I pose the question, "Hey babe, have you seen the ? ", that he answered, "Sure peaches, I just saw's over there..." The answer is always, without even casting a concerned glance my way," Nooo, no ma'am I haven't seen it"...exit room. Honey, have you seen my keys, my brush, my watch, my cat, my ipod connector, the new box of lightbulbs we just bought five minutes ago, the 50 pack of water bottles, the checkbook (no, wait, he always knows that one bad example) the catfood, my tennis shoes, my workout bag, my cell phone, my ....blah-de blah-de blah....NO HE HAS NOT SEEN ANY OF IT. He can't find his stuff either, even when it is RIGHT THERE. He can come out of his closet and say, "That shirt you said I should wear isn't in there." I stomp to his closet, pull it out and say, "HERE IT IS it was right in front of your face!" We joke about it so much that our son will say "Mom, I can't find my so and so, will you go look in my closet, know, I'm a man..." I bet if I asked Mr. Popcorn right now, this minute, "Honey, have you seen my car?" He'd say "No, no ma'am" and continue "checking the scores" on ESPN. I guess it's a man thang, ya gotta love 'em.


Unknown said...

Oh Siesta! I hear you loud and clear!! The only thing is my 13 year old does the same thing to me and the child is a SHE!!!! So.. I don't know if it is entirely a HE issue! LOL Vent on, siesta friend, vent on! LOL

elizabeth said...

this is hilarious! i read it and cracked up so hard that my roomate was giving me a concerned look. so i ended up reading it out loud for her and she shared a laugh as well.
so cute. so true.
call me will you?
i need to talk to you!

TeriAnnElizabeth said...

Welcome to Siestaville!

I saw your post on the LPM blog and laughed! I know where you are coming from!

When I was given GOD'S amazing grace people kept saying,"Beth Moore, Did you do that Beth Moore?,You have to do a Beth Moore, blah,etc.

I was seriously like, "I have just been pulled by GOD's grace from a pit of sin that I lived in for 3 years. Do I need a study by a woman who is probably about beautifying your home for your husband, etc. That's wonderful if that is where you are - but I needed serious tending to in the word.

I finally picked up a copy of one of her books and took it home to read and ended up sobbing on the floor because she wrote my life! I have been one of her biggest supporters since.

She taught me to dig into GOD'S word and pray to love HIM deeply...she is so right on.

Glad to have you at Siestaville!!

Blessings to you and all the Popcorns :-)

Super Churchlady said...

Popcorn - didn't you know that our uterus is a homing device?? What you have written is a universal truth in every home. I'm not sure why, but it is.

Seth Ward said...

Weeeeeelllll, have you stopped to consider that Mr. Popcorn really doesn't know where those things are??? (He types as his wife tells him that he does the very same thing.)

FancyPants said...

He does do the same thing. Exactly. Without the ma'am. That's a Mr. Popcorn addition, I think. =-) I can hear him saying it right now.
