Friday, April 25, 2008

Popcorn's Prescription for Beauty (or how to fake it)

For many many many years, since I gave birth to the first little popcorn who is now legal...I have leaned on a very strict early morning school taking, grocery stopping, starbizzle running, beauty routine. Or really, how to fake that you don't look like, well, umm how can I say this and maintain my carefully crafted good girl image....ok.. bad...let's just say bad. My routine only requires three key aids: Here they are in order of importance:
These three little items can be hidden behind at least til noon, and have been known to last all the way to bedtime over here at Popcorn's house. Oh, and if you go ahead and put on your workout clothes it further adds to the illusion that you are beautiful and fit despite the fact that you have bedhead and haven't had a shower in 48 hours. This routine also comes in very handy for work- in -the -yard- , haul kids around, walk-the-dogs Saturday. I don't go anywhere without them. Happy Weekend! xxoo


Meredith said...

You don't need to try to look beautiful!! You are!! Inside AND out. And believe me - its not so easy.
HAAH HAHA xoxox back

Popcorn said...

i love you mer. : )

Super Churchlady said...

Aww, I love you too.

Super Churchlady said...

srry - that last comment was from me =]
