Thursday, April 3, 2008

Ping Ponging at Popcorn's

Our house has a silly room. Does yours? It is supposed to be a "living room". For years I had it properly living roomed up, but always had gnawing guilt that the room was wasted. We never, ever, LIVED in there. It was pretty and lovely and housed a beloved piano, but really did not warrant the title living room. It sat dormant except for the occasional piano practicing session. The Christmas tree looked nice in there once a year... but not pretty enough to hog the space for the entire year waiting for Christmas to roll back around. I decided to throw decorating dreams to the wind and bring this monstrosity in from the garage. The Popcorn men are ping pong players par excellence. Translation: rabid when holding a paddle. Now the room is ugly, but well used and I feel better. (and during December it was a great surface for Santa to sort and wrap gifts on) Popcorn, pictured below sans makeup, enjoys the new room. I think I won that volley. xxoo


Meredith said...

Ha ha! I love Ping Pong!

elizabeth said...

wish i was home to play more!

Super Churchlady said...

Laughing at Popcorn's picture with no makeup. (yeah...right)

When can I come over? I want to sit and watch birds, have coffee, play ping-pong and be cozy!!

Popcorn said...
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Popcorn said...

Dear SCL, I would love nothing more. Come on over anytime. I'll try to have the laundry off the green couch so we can sit a spell.

littlekernel...soon, very soon. Hang in my school-weary popcorn.

mer: come over and play you know who sometime. He'll be first pumpin' us to death!