Monday, June 9, 2008

Popcorn's Plea: Leave Me Alone!

I am afraid of these:

When I run along my tree lined path I am always coming upon these horrible creatures on the sidewalk or in the grass. Fear grips me, what if I frighten it and make it mad at me? I am afraid that he'll look down from the tree he scampered up, see my brown hair, and mistake ME FOR A TREE. I am not kidding, this is a true fear I have. As I run past the tree I cringe in fear and imagine a headline: INNOCENT UNSUSPECTING RUNNER VICTIMIZED BY BERSERK SQUIRREL. RODENT JUMPS ON BRUNETTE'S HEAD SCAVENGING FOR NUTS...


Bethany said...

I have never heard of a squirrel jumping on someone's head (unprovoked..ha!). You would HATE my neighborhood..we seriously have about 10 squirrels every two feet - it's like a breeding ground - and they are suicidal - run right in front of your car, stop, turn and look at you like, "Make my day." I actually said to God, "I do not want to kill one of your creatures but they are seriously tempting fate here..."

Popcorn said...

I agree. Ours are also suicidal and many times my beautiful tree lined street is a killing field of dead, squashed squirrels! It's gross!