Sunday, June 8, 2008

Popcorn's Place: A Mess

It seems like I'm always getting ready to go somewhere. Getting ready to go to spin class. Getting ready to go to my part time high powered executive job at the local gift shop. Getting ready for church. Getting ready for.... departure. Showering, shaving, exfoliating, blow drying, make-upping, perfume squirting, lotion rubbing, hair teasing, clothes changing, shoe choosing, jewelry donning: getting ready for going somewhere. Do you know how many hundreds of products, appliances, towels, robes, coffee cups, and outfit rejects this whole process entails? Factor in the fact that I am always in a hurry and that equation equals a BIG GINORMOUS MESS. First there's the coffee pot and coffee cup drips...then there's the dropped p.j.'s by the tub. Once in the tub there's the shampoo, conditioner, razor, shaving cream, loofah, lit candle, unlidded bubble bath, soap. Tub exit requires towel for self and towel for wet head. Moisturizer for face and bod. Nail polish for toe touch ups. Remover and cu tips for mistakes because in such a blame hurry. Then out comes all the hair products...something to give it volume, a heat protector before blowing dry, a "shine enhancer" once it is dry, now a product to assist in straightening process. Velcro rollers to stick in whilst applying ten thousand beauty enhancers. The hair process required a "ion" dryer and pricey straightener. As for the face...powder, eye liners, lip liners, eye shadows, mascara, brow brush, lipstick...Honestly sometimes I look at the beauty landscape strewn across the counter and think mercy sakes am I THAT UGLY? Then comes the odious task of choosing what to wear...that entails discerning one's "mood" for the day....I am telling you not only is it messy, but it's exhausting. This every time I get ready to walk out the door, give or take a few steps. Is it any wonder that I have to stop every few days and re-hang, re-sort, re-box, re-everything I own so that I can start all over. I am considering going Amish, no wonder their houses are so tidy.


Super Churchlady said...

Have you been peeping Tom-ing into my closet whilst I'm getting ready!! The daily ritual and maintenance is amazing. Sometimes I tell Hubby how jealous I am that it takes him literally 5 to 7 minutes to shower and shave and then another 5 minutes to pick out which golf shirt, shorts and hat that he is wearing to work everyday.

I say we start a new FLDS fashion trend and wear prarie dresses and give up shaving and waxing.

Popcorn said...

I will if you will! Life would be neater and cheaper that way.

Katy said...

My hubby laughs as my beauty products slowly migrate and multiply across the bathroom counter towards his sink.

Bethany said...

Although I am slightly obsessed with putting everything away right away...I do use every product you mentioned and am often late to work because of my need to put them all away.

I also have the problem of wanting to say no to invitations just because I do not want to get ready...the whole process is way too taxing...thankfully I have forced myself to continue to socialize but I can see me caving oson.

Popcorn said...

The sadddest thing is my son says "why do you wear all that makeup mom, you don't look any different". Apparently my worst fears are true!

majorsteve said...

I have a message for all women: You can go to all of this trouble if that's what you want to do, but if it's that much trouble why don't you just stop. Simply stop doing it. Cut your hair short, get in the shower with one product that you can use on your body and your hair, get out of the shower, dry off, put on some deodorant and brush and blow dry your hair, put on some underwear, go to your closet and get some jeans and a Harley tee shirt, put on some socks and comfortable shoes and go do whatever it is that you need to do. But whatever you do, DO NOT BLAME MEN for this obsession with cosmetics and clothes. Don't even go there. You can point the finger at television, billboards, magazines, other women and YOURSELVES. Just stop it! First of all, the large majority of men do not care about any of that stuff. Second, take a long moment to think about why you all go to that trouble. No seriously, WHY? It's to impress other women right? It's a competition isn't it? It has to be because (real)men do not care about that stuff.

Popcorn said...

Majorsteve, there are many women around that have done just that. Or, they never started the whole "I want to look as good as I can" routine. Many of them sport such natural beauty that they look pretty anyway. Some need to go ahead and pick up a few products on the HEB hair aisle! I do not blame anyone for it at all. It's just part of being a female, which I truly relish. (Did I spell that right or did I just make a hot dog?)

Bethany said...

I call bull on that one. Stop doing it and you end up on 'What Not To Wear' with your friends saying, "It really is tragic." and the husband saying, "I really wish she would take better care of herself." You can say men don't care but I don't see evidence of this in their choices. They don't care as long as you look good naturally. I'm sorry, I gotta call it out. Even the Bible says, "Man looks at the face but God looks at the heart."

majorsteve said...

Sorry Popcorn but I was under the impression that in your post you were complaining about all the processes and paraphernalia associated with "looking good". I didn't know you actually relish it. This is a classic example of a man not understanding a woman.

Bethy you can call bull all you want but your argument reminds me of those who holler "racism" everytime something doesn't go their way. Or maybe I am the only one who doesn't care if Popcorn wears makeup or not. That would be sad.

And let me clarify my comments further by saying that a woman doesn't have to go out in public looking tacky and ungroomed like some homeless person, I'm talking about the natural look. Natural, healthy and clean. That's all.

Popcorn said...

majorsteve, thank you for thinking I can pull off the natural, healthy, clean look. That is the look I go for with all of my products! Ironic isn't it? You are sweet to be able to see true beauty in the face of a friend, makeup or not. Thank goodness for men like you, and Mr. Pop, and Mr. SCL who are a rare breed.