Thursday, May 22, 2008

Popcorn's Thursday Thoughts: He Thinks of Everything!

Yesterday at my neigborhood Bible study with some of my very good friends the subject of science and the Bible came up. One girl was telling us about all these studies that verify what the Bible says. Some I had heard about, some I hadn't. All were astounding. Then I received this e mail last night from another friend in the Bible study. Her sister had sent it to her... What you will see on this clip will amaze you. You will not believe your eyes. Maybe you have already seen this or know about laminin, but this video is awesome and worth watching anyway.

1 comment:

confused said...

I also received an email with this link. I was so excited I shared it with my DH. He was so excited he had me print out what we could find on the Laminin and took it to his Bible Study teacher.

I reseached it on the computer before I passed it along to make sure that it is truly scientific. According to what I found it is.