Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Two Popcorns

Are there two you's behind that pretty face? I fight that syndrome. The confident me and the shy me. The me that feels pretty and in shape and cute.(Are you raising your eyebrow?) The me that feels frumpy, baggy-eyed, and old. The me that feels smart and witty and downright wise... and the me that feels like a low IQ'd brick being snickered at but too stupid to notice. The me who thinks I can sing beside my husband, and the me who feels like the lucky (but tone deaf) side kick. Then there's the me that loves everyone and thinks they love me right back. But do they? Perhaps I'm just arrogant. You know there are actually people in the world that others do not like. They get talked about, they have eyebrows raised behind their backs...and they do not know it. Am I in that category? Do I see myself clearly or just through hopeful eyes? Does everyone have these doubts or are most people as confident as they seem? I'm old enough not to have these thoughts, but I do. Do they ever go away? I wonder if the 80 year woman has these feelings? I know self doubt doesn't come from God. But as a human I guess these doubts are in the realm of normal. Knowing God created me in his image is comforting and I cling to that. No matter how I feel about myself on a given day, I always know He feels the same about me every day. He loves me without end, no matter if I look good, run fast, sing pretty, or make a fool out of myself. God's love is such good therapy.

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