Thursday, February 12, 2009

Ten Little Lifesavers

1. A Kleenex in my choir folder when the sermon strikes my heartstrings and the music is so gorgeous the tears begin to flow.

2. A hair clip in my purse when I sense the frizzy beginnings of a bad hair day.

3. Just the right amount of change in the bottom of my bag for an ice cold coke from vending machine.

4. The house key safely hidden when I think I'm locked out.

5.The obscure but important phone number snagged in my cell phone.

6. Advil in the car console when I desperately hope it's there.

7. When a friend can meet for coffee on the fly.

8. One more postage stamp left on the sheet.

9. The can of coffee in the freezer when I think I'm bone dry.

10. My cell phone reminder feature.

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