Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Legacies

Today we spent the day in almost exactly the same way we've spent the last 22 Easter Sundays. Getting up early to get ready for church. Hubby calls me the "hinge" since I have to get up first and start things rolling since I take longer than him. Springing three offspring out of bed and running them through the shower, longest hair first since it takes her the longest to dry it...etc. We have our routines and everyone knows the drill. Enjoy our service, then Sunday school...then off to celebrate with my family which at this point consists of my mother, my brother and his wife and their four kids. We eat, we hunt eggs, we eat some more and drink plenty of coffee. The guys change into comfy clothes after the egg hunt and play basketball all afternoon. We rotate houses, but the last few years have been mostly at brother popcorn's house since many times family from his wife's side join us and it just makes sense to have it there, plus his house is nice and big and accommodating. I think my kids are lucky that they have cousins to hang with and have such old fashioned fun every holiday, every clockwork. This adds to their emotional safety deposit boxes one more investment in security, the kind that really counts deep down in the recesses of their identities. We are a big family, an "us",and they know who they are. Each of our children are secure in their place as "ours". Likewise, Jesus' death and resurrection does the same for us on an eternal scale. In dying on the cross, he made the ultimate payment for the sins of all mankind forever. His resurrection evidenced victory over death once and for all for those that believe in Him. He gave us a security in eternal life and an identified us as His beloved people. Because of this, we as Christians know who we are in Him. We are a family, an "us". We know who we are and can be secure in our place as his chosen. We are children of God, blessed redeemed of the Lamb. As the body of Christ, what a magnificent legacy we are privileged to celebrate on Easter Sunday.


Seth Ward said...

Family is so fun.

Cherish the moments.

Super Churchlady said...

I kind of want to be invited over for Easter now. It sounds so warm and inviting. I love the way you write - Popcorn!!