Friday, November 7, 2008

Popcorn Peers In

Ike knocked down many fences in our neighborhood. You can now peer into the backyards of people's homes... and somehow that's embarrassing. When I drive by I can't help but notice the fence is gone and what was once hidden is now exposed. Some backyards, yes, are visions of loveliness. Beautifully landscaped pools and arbors. But some, oy. Old lawn furniture sitting haggardly on the patio, toys strewn on the lawn, dead plants drooping, a tired BBQ grill looking lonely. These are big, fine and fancy homes that one would not expect to have an unsightly back yard. It's, well....shocking. Some of the fences needed to fall down, they were old and rotted and hanging by a thread anyway and really needed a fresh start. Slowly homes are rebuilding new sturdy fences made of gorgeous sweet smelling lumber to protect their property; a comforting boundary the keeps the good in and the bad out. It took a storm to expose the need, the ugliness, and force a fresh start. Now folks, there's so many spiritual implications here! I'm not going to preach. BUT I SURE COULD.


jamsmom said...

I like this. It gives new perspective on the "storms" in my life. Keeps me cleaning out "this old house".

Super Churchlady said...

Oh that's Scary!!! I have had the same thoughts about our neighborhood fences (i.e., the spiritual analogy) Isn't it interesting to peek into the previously hidden? I'm glad I have a wrought iron fence. ha, ha...