Monday, August 4, 2008

Sunday Snippets: Spiritual Oneness

Sunday's marriage devotion was on spiritual oneness. I think the desire to have this with another person is why we all get married in the first place, isn't it?. But what is it anyway? According to my research, it is a state in which a married couple is tuned in to the most minute details and rhythms of each other's day. What hurdles area they facing? What are the immediate needs looming large on their mind? Characteristics include encouraging your spouse each day, praying for him, telling him you are praying for him, and of course, praying together. Nothing gives me just the lift I need more than Mr. Popcorn telling me he is praying for me about something I've mentioned to him. It communicates to me that despite his schedule, he has time for me and thinks what I think is important, is. It's validating and comforting and I know God hears his prayers! Keeping this area of the marriage humming along will provide automatic maintenance in all other areas. It's the WD40 for marital nuts, bolts, and hinges. This is not as easy as I have made it sound and many times nurturing this aspect of married life gets shoved to the back burner. I don't know about your lives, but in our lives the fast forward button seems to be hung. Each day is cram packed full to overflowing with commitments, jobs, classes, church youth group (fun!) events, cooking, working out, running, making a CD, cars in the shop, shopping for clothes for new jobs, attending church, drivers' ed, Veggie Tales camp, birthdays, graduations, Christmas picture taking, purse parties, phone calls that need making and returning, friends to check in shopping, lunch making. Our tongues are hanging out at the end of every day and sometimes before the end! We "take it upstairs" earlier and earlier and fall into bed with Frasier and Seinfeld before dozing off into a dead comatose slumber. But finding the time and making the effort(even if it is over the phone during a check in phone call) to keep tabs on our mate's needs and concerns, a thread of closeness will bond you together. And then when you pucker up for that goodnight kiss and your heads hit the pillows, all will be well with your soul despite the tornado called life.


Mr Popcorn said...

Well said. When I actually see all activities in a day written down, it does make my toungue hang out and wag. The WD40 example is very true.

Bethany said...

Very superficial but what is a purse party..I like the sound of that one...unfortunately, I can not comment on oneness...unless it is oneness with Christ..ha!

Katy said...

I've seen you watch your man and I recognize the feelings that come across your face. (I hope that makes sense?) Very few things calm me down like just being in the presence of my husband. Loving him is the best choice I ever made!

And, btw, I tagged you on my blog.

Super Churchlady said...

Bethy31- I noticed that you have some new readers of your blog! hmmmm.....

Pop - I tagged you on my blog.

Popcorn said...

Bethy31, the purse party was for Beiju bags. Very cute, not way too pricey. The girl came here to my house, people came and shopped...wah lah...a purse party!

Popcorn said...

Bethy by the way, there's a website for the bags. Just google bieju.

Popcorn said...

SCL and Katy, I am flattered by all this tagging. I'm going to figure it out and tag you both :)

Popcorn said...

Katy, yes yes yes! Mr. Popcorn is always balm for my soul, no matter what else is going on.

Stacey said...

Yes, the spiritual connection is critical! Good post.