Sunday, January 10, 2010

TIme for a Change, I Guess

The church I've been a member of for 21 years is planning to change it's name. Personally, I think it is a good but odd idea. The name of the church is perplexing to those who are new to the area and don't know our history or the reason for the name. It is the name of the street we were originally located on but have since built on another site on another street. Hence, there is sometimes confusion about where the church actually is and people get lost and frustrated. That's why the odd idea of changing the name of the 28 year old congregation came about. I like the new name better, some people do not. They don't like the idea of changing it, and they don't like the new choice of names. Hum. It isn't official yet, there's a "vote" soon. We'll see how that goes....interesting. Life is full of surprises.

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