Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Please Pinch Popcorn

Hey, the past couple of weeks have been notable in the life of Popcorn. I am a very happy person. But I experience the same frustrations everyone else does. But lately I have felt nothing but happiness, gratefulness, joy, and contentment. I've done lots of laughing and relaxing with my family. I've been running every single day. I've had lunch with my oldest and best friend this week. My kids are all happy and have gotten to do lots of fun things this summer. My daughter made it back from her travels happy and healthy. Everything is just comin' up roses. I feel so light on my feet. I took my blood pressure today and it was 120/67 with a pulse of 75. Now that is very, very good for someone who had just written a large check for dermatological prescriptions two seconds prior to taking her blood pressure. Why are dermo meds so expensive?? That's another blog.. back to happy Popcorn. I just thank my God for this upswing and now I am going to take my dogs on a walk and stare at the moon and bask in it all. And no, we didn't win the lottery, but it sure feels like we did!


Katy said...

These last 6 months have been sooooo stressful. Good and bad. But, I just realized I have everything in place for Happy Katy. I just forgot. The shop is open, our house makes me feel like I am on vacation all the time, my parental units are on their way for the weekend for cookouts and grandchild spoiling. Your post reminded me why we did all of this and now I am officially jubilant. Off to go do a cartwheel...

Popcorn said...

You are precious Happy Katy