Sunday, July 20, 2008

Popcorn's Purge

Weird. That's what it is. Weird that I would blog on "stuff" yesterday and then today's sermon at church was, and I quote, "Connecting With God's Power: Power Over Greed"! Boy when the Holy Spirit wants to get my attention about something, this is what always happens. The topic becomes a recurring theme in everything I do, everywhere I go. Even a stroll through a favorite antique store became a classroom for the topic serving as a prelude, a heads up to the final whammee this morning. The gist of the sermon today was to make us aware of our tendency towards materialism. Our appetites for things that never seems satiated. The desire for things grows exponentially with the next acquisition. When we have things beyond our actual needs, the potential for being owned by things looms large. Then what have we got? A bunch of cars, houses, furniture, footstools, forks, plates, toys (big and small) serving as detours and roadblocks to the abundant life the Jesus offers us. Our littered landscape of stuff blocks our vision..physically and spiritually and causes us to lose sight of the satisfying life that requires no purchase, no spending, no sacrifice or compromise. Our path to happiness is clearer if not cluttered up with the possessions of life we think are so vital. So I'm having a garage sale, I'm making a Goodwill drop, and I'm bagging stuff up for someone that can use it. I'm on a stuff diet as of today. (can you hear Mr. Popcorn cheering and high fiving me in the background?)

1 comment:

Katy said...

I am in the process of purging my house. It's been an emotional experience, honestly. Why do we get attached to stuff? The more I get rid of, the better I feel though.