Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Popcorn's Daily AccomPlishments

Normally I can get more done in an hour than some manage to do all day. I say that with all the humility in my heart, but dang if it's not true. But not this week. Nope. This week is officially the "schools out it's pajama week" around here. Today's accomplishments consisted of:

1.Writing a long letter and preparing it for mailing...whew!

2.Unpacking suitcases from weekend trip for self and Pophubby

3.Storing suitcases (throwing them back on bed in extra room)


5.Fed Charlotte (cat with eating disorder, always hungry)

6.Cooked stuff early for dinner

7.Dressed at 2 p.m.

8.Ate dinner with Popman

9.Watched Jentezen Franklin on TV (new fav. minister to listen to, well, right under Alistaire B.)I strongly rec. his book Fasting. Seriously, go read it

10.Sat on couch and read online with Popson until all hours.

11. MAJOR Acc. -figured out how to put slideshow "gadget" on this blog. See it over there to the right? So fancy. First animated popcorn, now this. So proud of my popself.

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