Today I experienced anger only experienced when one's child is shafted, ditched, humiliated, or done wrong by an adult. Don't do my child wrong world. If you do, I'm pretty much over you. Done. I'm done with the choir director at Popson's high school. She pretended not to have "room" for him on a trip they were taking. Now I tried to pay the woman in full Jan. 10., more than plenty of time to add a person to the roster. The trip wasn't until today, March 5. She claimed to have a spot left Jan. 10, but then Jan. 11 she started hedging about said spot. I continued to press. Tried to hand her a check daily for a week. She kept mumbling about "checking with the travel company"...Many a girl backed out of the trip and I would say, hey, can't we rearrange the girls' rooms and make room for one more boy?? Now this isn't rocket science. It's 2009 for Pete's sake. Make a call, flip a switch, add a child to the tally! Why was this so insurmountable for Mrs. !@#$$??? She just continued to purse her lips and shake her head no. I asked her almost daily from January 10 til today, when my son had to witness all of his besties rolling their luggage into the school for their 3:00 departure. Me? I bawled through first and second period. Why couldn't this lady figure out a way? I could never in a million years do that to someone especially a colleagues child!!! And truly with the Lord as my witness, Popson is a totally pleasant person. He's not a trouble maker AT all. There is no good reason on this Earth that she would not want to take him along. I don't know, but I'm done with her. I am stumped at the whole situation and am still steaming. Popson has handled himself with grace, as always. I cannot believe that plane left without him.